A: This training has been sponsored and is free of charge, register now to ensure a seat!
A: Full detailed agendas will automatically be sent to all registered participants 1-2 weeks prior to the scheduled class date. Agendas are available upon request.
A: Training class material, Typhoon HIL Training Class Certification of Completion, kick-ass swag, and life lessons from Dr. John D. Joannopoulos and Ray Stata.
A: If you are a power electronics engineer seeking new ways to boost efficiency of your controller development and testing, or if you're an existing Typhoon HIL systems user looking to further improve fluency of Control Center, this training class is for you.
A: There is no official deadline however seats are limited so register sooner rather than later! If you're unable to secure an open seat, we will add you to the waiting list and notify you promptly if a seat becomes available.
Copyright © Typhoon HIL, Inc.