Webinar: AIT Smart Grid Converter (SGC) Control Platform

Using Controller Hardware in the Loop for the AIT Smart Grid Converter (SGC) control platform


The energy industry exhibits a significant change with the expansion of customer expectations, increasingly strict environmental regulation, and penetration of new technologies. The traditional approach of building new power plants to meet the energy demand can no longer be the only option. Renewable generation and energy efficiency already play a larger role. The smart grid applications combine highly efficient power conversion and distributed “smarts” utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 

In this webinar, you will get a front-row experience of the AIT Smart Grid Converter (SGC) control platform, featuring 3PH Grid Tie 3L PV inverter application employing the innovative “per unit” control concept and easy-to-use customizable HIL SCADA interface..

Watch the webinar and learn how power electronics experts are constantly finding new applications for the Controller Hardware in the Loop paradigm and how it allows you to overcome the challenges of the Smart Grid.


Zoran Miletic

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Electric Energy Systems, Energy Department

For almost two decades he has been leading product development of power electronics converters for Renewable Energy Applications at Xantrex Technology Inc, in Canada and Schneider Electric Solar, Europe and Canada. Since 2014 he has been with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as Senior Electrical Engineer. His experience includes the design of power electronics and the control methods for solar MPPT charge controllers, single and 3-phase solar inverters from few KW to several hundred KVA. He is a senior member IEEE and holder of several US and International utility patents.